While he SHOULD be more sympathetic

While he SHOULD be more sympathetic to the feelings of others, he wasn’t raised that way. His way of handling it is to put up a wall. Some people don’t have the same depth of feelings as others. This leaves us with the crowd favorites: Asus’ Eee PC 1000H and Acer’s Aspire One. Our editors have already sung the praises of the Eee PC 1000H as being one of the most well rounded netbooks on the market, but if you’re willing to compromise for a lower price tag, the Acer Aspire One is a dandy alternative. Though it has a smaller display and keyboard than the 1000H, the Aspire One’s attractive, well rounded design has made it a solid alternative to cheaper Eee PCs.

Pho Viet Nam, https://www.cheapjerseyschinapop.com/ 3636 Upton Ave., Toledo, is one of the city’s hidden culinary gems. It specializes in the flavorful, noodle rich soup pho (pronounced fuh) endemic to Vietnam. The portions are generous and hot here, with protein add ons that range from steak and seafood to pork and tofu.

Airport officials announced Discount Baseball Jerseys the flights Friday, saying they’ll start June 2. And the fares entered the airline’s reservation system on Sunday, surprising many with how spendy they appeared to be. A check of the online reservation system that day found the RDM PHX round trip flight costs ranging from $777 to $1,202 for a three day visit in early June..

The opioid trade has always been about huge profits and enslavement to a drug. That was true with the British East India Company in 19th century China. It’s true of pharmaceutical companies, and it’s true of drug dealers. “A lot of the regular touristy areas are hurting. Vegas is down 10 to 12 percent from their numbers over last year, so they are really struggling. They’ve lost a lot of convention business, a lot of stuff they counted on.

Wall Street. Sessions available for grades K 6 include Brains in Motion, grades 3 6, June 26 29: tennis basics in the mornings, STEM challenges in the afternoons; Art Around the World, grades K 3, July 10 13, featuring sculpting, painting, drawing, jewelry making and more; LEGO Mars Mission, grades 3 6, July 17 20, build and program an EV3 robot to perform missions on the Red Planet!; Culture and Cuisine Around the World, grades 2 6, July 24 27, travel the virtual world to explore cultures and discover cooking projects. Topics include archaeology, theater, Summer Olympics, American Heroes, plus field trips and community projects, $815/month, Research shows that students maintain academic progress in a year round school.


Angela Rocha _1r Secretariat Multilingüe (SML) C. DE FORMACIÓ PROFESSIONAL
Intento fer memòria de què faig aquí i no puc. Els paisatges van i vénen i de cop estic de peu en una habitació i el veig. Està assegut a terra amb una ampolla d’alcohol a mà dreta i una fulla a mà esquerra; la mira durant un temps que em sembla etern i l’apropa al seu braç. No! M’apropo i caic de genolls davant seu. No ho facis, li demano. Però no em veu, i crido mentre s’obre les venes i somriu mentre plora. Intento parar-lo però m’adono que el meu braç també sagna, allà on ell s’ha tallat, jo també sagno. Gemega un petit –ho sento, i continua plorant mentre la sang brolla de les seves ferides i taca el terra. No vam ser ni serem.


Emily Cerviño _1r Secretariat Multilingüe (SML) C. DE FORMACIÓ PROFESSIONAL

Mai t’has sentit ofegat? Mai t’has proposat deixar-ho tot? Mai has volgut tancar els ulls i no tornar a obrir-los? Mai t’has sentit apartat del món, com un escorpí al mig del desert? Quantes vegades has sentit que no eres ningú? I ara diga’m, quantes persones t’han donat la mà per ajudar-te, quantes persones t’han fet somiar, i després d’aquest somni has tingut una raó per llevar-te, quantes persones t’han fet sentir que el món era teu…  La vida és rebre bons moments i desil·lusions però l’únic important és conservar les persones amb qui compartir-los. Les batalles contra els sentiments seran les úniques que no podem guanyar sols.