The relicense application proposes

“The relicense application proposes removing several lands that also no longer served a project purpose.” Alabama Power stated in an email. “The licensing process was public, transparent and involved the various stakeholders around the lake. The re classification was the subject of several public filings and was available for discussion at a public meeting in Alexander City in July 2013 a meeting attended by over 600 people.

In this book, Fisher takes savings a step further she shows us how to save time as well as money. She combines the speed of the television person and my Mom’s skill of a crafty food shopper with a strict budget to offers recipes that are tasty and varied and mostly made from scratch. Fisher’s book is geared toward dinner, so don’t expect the standard organization,.

To do this, he needed a material he could design himself, not in Asia with a manufacturing partner. He needed a material that offered him the chance to customize his own parts, in his own workshop. And wholesae jerseys he needed a material that could satisfy the myriad, at times even contradictory, needs of a discerning cyclist.

Time to make it perfect. Perfection is cheap nfl jerseys critical in everything we do, he said as he detailed wholesale jerseys how to launch a product. Next up for him is Poppin, a line cheap jerseys of and cool office products.One of the earliest investors in Internet Capital Group, a successful IPO in 1999, Burch was a co founder in 2004, with his former wife, of the women fashion label Tory Burch.

Shortly after last August rally at Vanderbilt Landscaping, the Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration conducted inspections of both the Mason and Smyrna sites following complaints that workers lived under poor conditions in camps. Vanderbilt Landscaping managers told TOSHA inspectors that some H 2B workers asked the company to hold their passports for safekeeping. One TOSHA report states: to allegations that the company refused to provide H 2B workers with their passports upon request, company representatives wholesale nba jerseys explained that the Smyrna police took signed statements from the workers stating the opposite..

With gas so cheap, you could always drive down. Maybe even sleep in your car. Bring all your own food. Up there was fun, but most of the former shipyards were vacant or occupied by squatters, said the 33 year old adviser for BNP Paribas Real Estate, which this year brokered the sale of 403 student homes being built on a former shipbuilding wharf to a Dutch asset manager. The area booming. District of Amsterdam Noord is taking off as soaring housing costs across the city and the promise of a new subway line tempt residents to brave the bottlenecked journey across the IJ river in search of better values or lower rents.

Initially I wasn't really sure

Initially I wasn’t really sure if I would enjoy it, I was worried there would be more focus on the nightlife than actual skiing and before I signed onto the trip there wasn’t a huge amount of information available on what it would be like. The journey ended up being around a 20 hour journey on the way there and a 16 hour journey on the way back (and I got off early!). However despite those travel times it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Usually, these camps are smaller in size and allows you to be coached and see if your better than the rest of the recruits. Each school will try to take the cheap jerseys best players they can. I really enjoyed being coached by college coaches. Rolf also carries consignment wine: rare and exotic labels bought from private cellars and often sold at reasonable prices. You never know what you find in those consignment bins. We bought some Kistler chardonnay for far less than it would have cost when it was first released, and this is the crucial part we found out when we opened it that it had been perfectly stored..

One sign of this is her dedication of the book to ‘Miss Eliza Jenkins of Stone, Glocestershire [sic]’, in a cursive type face that suggests in its form the intimacy it expresses. Eliza was probably an aunt or cousin and could well be the Mrs Elizabeth Symes, wife of the Reverend Richard Symes, who appears in William Jenkins’s will. While Marianne refers intriguingly to Eliza as ‘a name so honoured for science and literature’, nothing further is at present known about her. cheap jerseys

The cheque was cashed the next day and the following week the minister kept his seat at the general election retaining the communications portfolio, even after he was promoted to Minister for Justice. cheap jerseys Ray Burke held onto 20,000 for ‘local constituency expenses’ and wholesae jerseys only 10,000 seems to have made its way to party headquarters. The how, why, and what (as in, what the hell is going on here!) are to say the least varied.

“While there has been a downfall in prescription opioid abuse wholesale jerseys nationwide, we are the No. 5 state in number of opioids prescribed,” said John Dowdy, director of the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics. “If you take just the top three hydrocodone, Tramadol and oxycodone in 2015 alone, there were enough prescribed so that every living person in Mississippi could have 65 pills.”.

I assuming that the permanent transcendence of civilized consciousness is possible, but we better not assume it inevitable. We don have to do anything to end any given civilization, but to end civilization in general, to stop one after another from rising and falling until humans go extinct, we will have to take focused, inspired, and audacious positive action. This action will be deep more on the level of emotions than ideas or physical tools; it will be more about being alive than being right; and it will be done with, or upon, people with the full blown emotional plague, starting with ourselves.


Recently, I lamented Connecticut’s lack of a state cookie. I’m proud that we have a state fish. Shad fed the state for many years and was a rich source of income for Connecticut rivermen. Q: I have a 2014 Mazda3 with a 2.5 liter engine that calls for 4.8 quarts per change with the oil filter replacement. When I refill the engine with oil, it requires 5.2 quarts to get to the top of the dip stick. The dealer said it should only take 4.8.

For lunch you have a lot of options if you pre make the meal and bring it to the office. You can slap pan fried chicken breasts on bread with veggies and your choice of dressing, all for around a dollar for a delicious and healthy meal. You can make pasta and bring it in tupperware.

Louis County prompts warning to residentsRabid bat in St. Louis County prompts warning to residentsPosted: Wednesday, May 24 2017 10:25 AM EDT2017 05 24 14:25:17 GMTA bat. Credit: KMOVA bat in St. De quoi faire rver. L’interface pure cache un outil trs puissant, trs clair et extrmement rapide qui affiche des rsultats avant mme d’avoir cliqu sur OK. Trs instinctif et facile utiliser.

Practically, each and every app inside the phone opens and closes with visible lag or stutter. I’ve even had a couple of instances when the Google launcher went haywire and crashed out of the blue: not wholesale china jerseys at all a pretty sight. Killing background apps does help, but there’s only so much that it can do.

The airline will offer service to Edinburgh, Scotland, from all three regional airports. At Stewart International Airport in the wholesale nfl jerseys Hudson Valley, Norwegian Air will have flights to Belfast, Dublin and Shannon airports in Ireland. Green Airport in Providence, the airline will offer those three routes, plus one to Cork, Ireland.

“Mulberry,” I wondered, thinking for some reason there might be silkworms here. “No,” said Ali, disgustedly. “It is frankincense.”Then he spent some time searching the branches for a spot where the sap might have oozed out and hardened into frankincense.

I will never forget the terrible mittens that my grandmother knitted for my brother and me when we were little kids at old Edison School in Westville. She had made mittens for soldiers in World War I, so we were the only boys in school who had cheap nhl jerseys woolen mittens with wristlets. Pat and I pretended to like them, but we didn’t.

His office is cheap jerseys often called in by advocates who discover that an elderly person needs a wholesale nfl jerseys will or power of attorney or a trust. “We work with people who just do health insurance, cut through red tape, deal with Medicaid,” he said. “We work with daily money managers, who make sure the bills get paid.

They borrow

The Uncork Kansas corporate overlords will say that they are for a “free market,” but are they really following free market principles when they wring out tax breaks and subsidies from local and state governments? The bill they introduced will keep the “free market” of alcohol sales to only grocery, convenience and liquor stores. No alcohol for Walgreens, CVS, Dollar Tree, Menards, etc. The bill does not match their rhetoric of a level playing field or a free market.

When you do, know that plenty of criminals lurk on all the sites. And there nothing more tragic than a scam. Artists may spend weeks and even months gaining trust from victims even sending flowers purchased with or using fake photos they lifted from actual dating profiles.

“In the wake of this announcement, we maintain our call that the BoC is more likely to wait until July to raise the overnight rate,” TD Bank Financial Group senior economist Pascal Gauthier said in a note. As a result, the bank tweaked its growth forecasts for Canada for 2011 to 2.4% from the 2.3% estimate in October’s Monetary wholesale nhl jerseys Policy Report. Growth for 2012 is now pegged at 2.8% from 2.6% previously..

I can see this being a problem. Our older westbound drivers will be asked to drive on the wrong side of the road, and into oncoming traffic on both sides. That would unnerve even me.. These prices show that you shouldn’t have any problems finding the mixer for $350. Kitchen Kaboodle, a Portland company, had a great deal on the mixers, as did the larger chains like Sears and Walmart. The KitchenAid website proved to have the highest price, which isn’t really a surprise.

They borrow money. Yes, that means you have to pay interest for it, but you get the benefit today. Rest of the council was down to fund, cheap jerseys though, perhaps because Herbold plan gave them a middle road through which they could give activists a partial victory while still keeping enough money to fund the north precinct in the future..

There are now a number of club teams here on the Island. Yes the Yellow Jackets is the best known as it was the first. It seems though unless you make one of the first 2 teams that you sort of fall through the cracks. Achetez vous en cheap jerseys un hlicoptre Radio Canada, j’embarquerai dedans avec plaisir. Achetez vous donc un hlicoptre gang de cheap, puis on va faire un beau tour d’hlicoptre puis je vais y aller. Le problme, c’est que vous n’avez pas d’hlicoptre.

On my recent visit with a group of friends, the most popular dish was the Seitan Chops and Applesauce, served crispy and seasoned with rosemary over gingered sweet potatoes and seared brussels sprouts. A close second was the Mac Shews, made from cashew cream cheese and served with sides of pecan cornmeal crusted tofu, BBQ cauliflower, sauted cheap nba jerseys kale, and spicy pecans. Dessert was their perfect apple berry crisp accompanied by house made vanilla bean ice cheap nhl jerseys cream and coconut whip.

From $508 per person

Starting from puppyhood, with no medical treatment previously done on the puppy, its first veterinarian visit could cost anywhere from $100 to $300 or more, depending on its health and condition. Every vet visit thereafter, until the puppy is fully vaccinated, could cost up to $100 or more. Another factor to consider is that if the free animal is no longer wanted the original owner will rarely take the animal back.

16 to Sept. 20Cost: From $508 per person, including four nights at the Lodge at Lionshead and round trip airfare from DallasMust Discount Jerseys see: Sept. 16 through Sept. I just stay away. It’s really just too much. In Bowling Green it won’t be any different. A: When buying slipcovers, I always like to use a local workroom to get a snug custom look. A great way to go about this is to ask a local upholsterer, workroom or seamstress to make slipcovers and then try to save money on the fabric. I have been known to make slipcovers out of cotton dropcloths from Home Depot just to get a fresh, clean look.

“Jobs, jobs, jobs that’ what this is about,” Wright said, saying significant economic changes are accomplished in the private sector. Punker’s initial capital investment in the Hickory operation is about $4.6 million. The average wage at the plant is $35,850, plus benefits, as listed when Punker’s coming to Hickory was announced..

Jared, 26, Brooklyn: My rule of thumb is this: if it s coffee or lunch, it s professional. If it s dinner or drinks, it s probably a date. These are a ton of other factors, of course, but if it s someone I don t really know, that s the yardstick I use.

I sodding well don’t know, either. But I do know it’s a hell of a lot of money in the real world. Yet I know it’s nothing in the football world. Emmadiscovery9. Compass CafeHistory museums often try to find ways to integrate the past into their cafes, putting traditional dishes on their menus and 19th century prints on their walls. But the Compass Cafe at the Museum of History Industry has made its connection to Pacific Northwest history still more explicit by carving up one of the continent’s biggest three masted ships for its bar.

Critics will point to the 2014 DHS inspector general report questioning the effectiveness of the drone program. Yet the report mainly faults the program for failing to live up to its potential only small stretches of the border are routinely watched, and the goal of 16 flight hours a day was rarely met. More drones and flight hours will extend the reach of the program and resolve these issues.

Mare t’estimo

Filipe Gonçalves _3ème A LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX

L’amor d’una mare és únic, et fa sentir especial; les seves abraçades, els seus petons, els seus consells, i totes aquestes petites coses fan que sigui com sóc.
Mare et dec la vida, ets i seràs la persona més important per mi, i això t’ho agraeixo moltíssim. Què serà de mi quan tu no hi siguis? per sort tinc i tindré tots aquests records de la nostra vida i estaràs sempre al meu record. Mai oblidaré tot el que has fet per mi i t’ho vull agrair amb aquest microrelat. Felicitats a totes les mares del món que es troben soles en aquesta tasca tan especial!
T’estimo mare!

Un adéu inesperat

Diego Albino _3ème A LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX

Mai oblidaré aquell divendres 21 de febrer del 2007, quan vaig perdre una part de mi.
Aquell matí quan em van venir a buscar a l’escola per anar cap a casa, un munt de dubtes em va turmentar, el camí cap a casa se’m va fer llarguíssim.
De cop i volta la presència dels meus oncles de França, i la meva mare destrossada, em van fer reaccionar; alguna notícia important estava a punt de canviar el rumb de la meva vida. A partir d’aquell moment vaig sentir un canvi profund i una tristesa intensa.
Mai oblidaré els moments viscuts al teu costat, vas ser extraordinari.
T’estimo pare.

‘Carpe diem’

Laia Collelldemont_1r bat científic i tecnològic C
Corre, fas tard. Aquestes han estat les paraules que m’han anunciat que un nou dia ha començat. Ahir vaig estar vivint al límit, això sí, sempre amb seny. Res ni ningú m’ho va impedir, millor dit, jo no ho vaig permetre. Per això recordeu que en aquesta vida hem vingut a ser feliços. És més, tot depèn de tu mateix, de la teva voluntat. Deixa de donar voltes a les coses que realment no tenen  importància i VIU. Il·lusiona’t, comparteix, realitza, inspira’t, escolta el teu cor. Em pregunto, quan va ser l’últim cop que vas fer alguna cosa per primer cop? Mira’t al mirall i pensa com pots arribar a aquest estat de felicitat. Estima’t.


Vinyet Grifoll Loncà_1r bat científic i tecnològic C


6.30 h. Comença la rutina. Esmorzo, em vesteixo, agafo l’autobús i arribo a l’escola. Vuit hores després arribo a casa, em poso les vambes i surto al car­rer. Tot desapareix. Només la sensació dels meus peus tocant el terra, la cremor a les cames i la necessitat de parar a respirar; fa fred i de la meva boca surten tots els problemes en forma d’alè glaçat. Gambada rere gambada recorro desafiant els car­rers glaçats. Fa estona que ha començat a ploure però segueixo corrent. Res importa llevat de la sensació de llibertat. Tinc les mans entumides i les cames em tremolen. El pes de la rutina recau sobre mi i tot torna a la normalitat.

La meva ànima


Aquella nit jo no dormia, no podia dormir, mai no dormia bé. Però aquella nit no vaig dormir. No era la primera vegada que em passava i sempre que la son no arribava a envair-me, em posava a pensar. Aquell pensament sempre tornava, nit rere nit, era com un malson. Tot va començar quan ho vaig veure, no hauria d’haver obert aquella porta, no hauria d’haver seguit aquella noia… Però era tan misteriosa… No parlava mai amb ningú ni s’acostava mai a ningú. Potser és per això que ho va fer, potser és per això que em va ensenyar el seu jo. Des d’aquell dia no paro de pensar-hi i cada nit
que passa, perdo un tros de la meva ànima…

Al cim


Miro al meu voltant i hi veig neu, arbres, muntanyes… i un cel enorme que em crida, com si em prometés el meu núvol. Els camins es fan llargs i l’hivern, pesat. La presència del fred hostil, adorm el bosc. Ningú gosa plantar-li cara. Però jo…, jo sí. Decideixo despertar-me i enfrontar-me als meus límits, per estar cada vegada més lliure i a prop del cel i dels seus ecos. Segueixo caminant sense aturar-me, per no refredar els meus músculs. Vull arribar al cim i contemplar de més a prop aquest cel. Un cop allà, el vent acaricia el meu rostre. Per fi puc gaudir de les vistes i sentir-me més gran i fort, per ser més digne del cel.

While he SHOULD be more sympathetic

While he SHOULD be more sympathetic to the feelings of others, he wasn’t raised that way. His way of handling it is to put up a wall. Some people don’t have the same depth of feelings as others. This leaves us with the crowd favorites: Asus’ Eee PC 1000H and Acer’s Aspire One. Our editors have already sung the praises of the Eee PC 1000H as being one of the most well rounded netbooks on the market, but if you’re willing to compromise for a lower price tag, the Acer Aspire One is a dandy alternative. Though it has a smaller display and keyboard than the 1000H, the Aspire One’s attractive, well rounded design has made it a solid alternative to cheaper Eee PCs.

Pho Viet Nam, 3636 Upton Ave., Toledo, is one of the city’s hidden culinary gems. It specializes in the flavorful, noodle rich soup pho (pronounced fuh) endemic to Vietnam. The portions are generous and hot here, with protein add ons that range from steak and seafood to pork and tofu.

Airport officials announced Discount Baseball Jerseys the flights Friday, saying they’ll start June 2. And the fares entered the airline’s reservation system on Sunday, surprising many with how spendy they appeared to be. A check of the online reservation system that day found the RDM PHX round trip flight costs ranging from $777 to $1,202 for a three day visit in early June..

The opioid trade has always been about huge profits and enslavement to a drug. That was true with the British East India Company in 19th century China. It’s true of pharmaceutical companies, and it’s true of drug dealers. “A lot of the regular touristy areas are hurting. Vegas is down 10 to 12 percent from their numbers over last year, so they are really struggling. They’ve lost a lot of convention business, a lot of stuff they counted on.

Wall Street. Sessions available for grades K 6 include Brains in Motion, grades 3 6, June 26 29: tennis basics in the mornings, STEM challenges in the afternoons; Art Around the World, grades K 3, July 10 13, featuring sculpting, painting, drawing, jewelry making and more; LEGO Mars Mission, grades 3 6, July 17 20, build and program an EV3 robot to perform missions on the Red Planet!; Culture and Cuisine Around the World, grades 2 6, July 24 27, travel the virtual world to explore cultures and discover cooking projects. Topics include archaeology, theater, Summer Olympics, American Heroes, plus field trips and community projects, $815/month, Research shows that students maintain academic progress in a year round school.


Angela Rocha _1r Secretariat Multilingüe (SML) C. DE FORMACIÓ PROFESSIONAL
Intento fer memòria de què faig aquí i no puc. Els paisatges van i vénen i de cop estic de peu en una habitació i el veig. Està assegut a terra amb una ampolla d’alcohol a mà dreta i una fulla a mà esquerra; la mira durant un temps que em sembla etern i l’apropa al seu braç. No! M’apropo i caic de genolls davant seu. No ho facis, li demano. Però no em veu, i crido mentre s’obre les venes i somriu mentre plora. Intento parar-lo però m’adono que el meu braç també sagna, allà on ell s’ha tallat, jo també sagno. Gemega un petit –ho sento, i continua plorant mentre la sang brolla de les seves ferides i taca el terra. No vam ser ni serem.


Emily Cerviño _1r Secretariat Multilingüe (SML) C. DE FORMACIÓ PROFESSIONAL

Mai t’has sentit ofegat? Mai t’has proposat deixar-ho tot? Mai has volgut tancar els ulls i no tornar a obrir-los? Mai t’has sentit apartat del món, com un escorpí al mig del desert? Quantes vegades has sentit que no eres ningú? I ara diga’m, quantes persones t’han donat la mà per ajudar-te, quantes persones t’han fet somiar, i després d’aquest somni has tingut una raó per llevar-te, quantes persones t’han fet sentir que el món era teu…  La vida és rebre bons moments i desil·lusions però l’únic important és conservar les persones amb qui compartir-los. Les batalles contra els sentiments seran les úniques que no podem guanyar sols.

Un gol molt important


El meu equip i jo estàvem a l’últim partit de lliga, el que decidiria el campió. Quan vam començar el partit, tots estàvem neguitosos. Al minut quinze de la primera part ens van marcar el primer gol i, arran d’aquest, ja no teníem tanta confiança en nosaltres mateixos. L’entrenador, al descans de la primera part, ens va donar molts ànims i, només començar la primera part, vam marcar l’u a u. Però, una altra vegada, només van passar cinc minuts ens van marcar el dos a u i, quan quedaven dos minuts i mig, vaig marcar el dos a dos. Després d’una altra xerrada de l’entrenador, vam sortir al camp a jugar els penals que decidirien el guanyador.

No t’estima…

Marina García _4rt B EA 2A ENSENYANÇA ENCAMP

Era fosc, tenia por, vaig sentir un soroll horrible de crits, una veu aguda… de noia. Cada cop s’apropava més a mi. Era estrany: no veia ningú. Quan me’n vaig adonar, vaig veure una noia a terra plorant, amb marques pertot arreu. El primer que vaig dir-li va ser: “Si et pega, no t’estima…”. De sobte, em va sobresaltar una sensació diferent de dins meu: mal de panxa, un pes al pit… no sabia què em passava. Li vaig contestar que mai es deixés tocar per ningú i vaig anar a buscar qui li havia fet allò. Ell, des de la distància, em va contestar: “Si no la pego, no l’estimo.” Em vaig quedar bocabadada: com era possible que algú digues coses així?

La solitud d’una persona

Noelia Garcia _2n. Bac Pro GA LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX
Imagineu només per un instant que sou algú que ningú no vol, que ningú no estima. Imagineu com es deu sentir la persona que va sempre sola, i que al seu voltant, veu tot de grups de persones i després es mira a si mateix i es veu completament sol. Algú que tot­hom mira amb mala cara, que veu gent que parla d’ell i que es riu de la seva solitud. Algú que no té amb qui desfogar-se, no té a qui explicar els seus problemes ni qui l’ajudi.
Penseu per un instant en les conseqüències que té el fet de deixar algú així. Hi ha moltes persones que acaben per no tenir ganes de sortir al car­rer ni de viure i acaben suïcidant-se.


Leslie Enríquez _2n Bac Pro GA LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX
Qui m’havia de dir que tornaria a pujar a un escenari després de cinc anys?
Em vaig adonar que necessitava sentir aquella pressió, necessitava saber si aquell era el meu món.
Sentia que necessitava ballar com quan era petita, sentir la veu dolça que m’impulsava a treure-ho tot de mi, la fúria, els sentiments, i a vegades la rancúnia que em portava a fer-ho pagar a la gent que més estimo. Ja fa un any que vaig decidir tornar a perseguir el meu somni, encara he de treballar molt, però ara sí que em sento realitzada, torno a sentir aquelles papallones a l’estómac, com quan era petita, em sento feliç. No vull que això s’acabi mai.

Els contes capgirats

Arriba un dia que ens adonem que les coses no són com aparenten, o com ens les expliquen. Els contes i els prínceps blaus han fet treballar la nostra imaginació, però ara els fets poden més que les il·lusions. Les relacions actualment són més difícils, ja que ningú s’agafa el temps per enamorar-se. Les converses es converteixen en textos, els arguments en trucades; els sentiments es tornen artificials, indirectes, i sembla que han de ser obligatoris. La paraula amor s’utilitza massa i fora de context, i la inseguretat s’ha tornat el sentiment dominant. La gelosia és un hàbit, l’engany es presenta com un accident, i ferir és natural.

Jet lag sense Jet

Acabo d’arribar a classe, són les 11.30, una mica tard, però no me’n penedeixo. Fa una setmana que em passa i no hi trobo solucions; de fet, ni les busco, estic bé. Aquest jet lag sense jet és degut a un deixar-se anar total. Va molt bé per a la salut, però no és tan bo per a la vida en societat. Un deixar-se anar diví: no fas gran cosa, no et preocupes de res, ni de la teva existència. És una mica com deixar que el teu instint animal funcioni sol. Però m’ha convocat el director i m’ha explicat que no puc continuar així, que he de tornar a una vida “normal”. És un dilema, però encara tinc temps per decidir. De moment, em deixo anar…