
Marc Navarro_1r Batxillerat B_COL·LEGI SANT ERMENGOL

Moltes vegades no cal buscar les històries, elles et troben a tu. Poden estar en qualsevol lloc amagades, i quan menys t’ho esperes: ZAS! Surten del no res i, obligat, agafes el boli per plasmar-les. Les pots trobar en una sèrie, o en forma de frase perduda. De totes maneres els contes de fades ja no són el que eren. Ara els prínceps blaus són estudiants distrets que esperen la xicota, ni tan sols s’esforcen per quedar! El cavaller lluita contra la crisi sense gaire èxit. Les princeses badallen d’avorriment servint als bars i els dracs estan en perill d’extinció.
-Cambrer! Un plat de granotes, un petó i a la casa reial.

Mai és tard per fer el correcte

Judith Puig_1r Batxillerat B_COL·LEGI SANT ERMENGOL

Un batec i un sospir rere l’altre. Els records es barrejaven. Un dolor al pit em va fer retornar. Volia acariciar-li la mà, però ja era massa tard, no podia. Ella plorava i em mirava amb tristor. Havia de dir-li tantes coses, tants secrets… Una llum va il·luminar la meva foscor; era l’hora. Una boira de pau i tranquil·litat em gronxava pacíficament, exposant-me a la vida i a la mort. Un batec i un sospir, potser els últims. Vaig obrir els ulls i la vaig veure. Vaig mostrar-li l’últim somriure i li vaig dedicar l’última cosa que volia dir: Ho sento. Ella va cridar. Jo ja no ho podia sentir. La màquina indicava el so final: la mort.


Ricardo Da Silva_Terminale Pro Comerç_LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX

La professora m’ha demanat de fer un conte. Per què l’he de fer? Sóc el típic alumne que mai fa els deures. Per què fer aquest conte? A ningú li agradarà. Per què trencar-me el cap per guanyar un concurs podent estar al carrer apreciant la vida? A més a més, hi haurà el típic noi de lletres que farà un conte cinc vegades millor o el típic trampós que copiarà un altre conte. Malgastar uns minuts de la vida per res, quan saps que no guanyaràs. Hi ha gent que se sentirà orgullosa d’haver guanyat, en canvi, jo no! Jo només vull gaudir de la vida amb el meus amics i la noia del meu cor. De què em servirà guanyar?

Hi havia una vegada…

Marlen Dias_Terminale Pro Comerç_LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX

Fa molts i molts anys, a l’època dels dracs, follets, mags… existia un fènix de color vermell carmesí, que atorgava poders inimaginables. Aquest animal únic, vivia al cim del pic de Carroi. Cada nit moria sense poder atorgar els seus poders i cada matí tornava a renéixer de les seves cendres. La llegenda explica que mai ningú es va atrevir a escalar la muntanya o bé per falta de valor, fortalesa o simplement perquè no creien en aquelles històries, en l’ocell oblidat al cim d’aquella muntanya freda, sol fins a la fi dels temps…  I ara, qui serà l’atrevit que vulgui formar part de la llegenda?

NRT and bupropion will be available on the NHS

At the time of writing the government had announced that bupropion and NRT (the latter following consultation only) would be available on NHS reimbursable prescriptions. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence was also being asked to advise GPs on the most appropriate and cost effective prescribing regimes for NRT and bupropion. In this document we assume that both NRT and bupropion will be available on the NHS and have made comments in the text where appropriate to support this assumption..<a href=”https://www.cheapoakleysunglassesstore.com/” target=”_blank”>fake oakleys</a>
The US prepares to ‘incapacitate’ Kim: USS Carl Vinson. ‘Help. He’s eating her’: Horrific 999 call by halfway. And nobody did. So I don’t know why he’s there. But he’s very friendly”My friend saw him first one night. Becerra is the current chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, making him the highest ranking Latino in the House. Elected to Congress in 1992, he previously served in the state Assembly and was the California deputy attorney general. Trade representative, but he turned it down, saying he would have more influence in Congress.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I feel like I was pitching on the road quite a bit here. I came in to a lot of boos. Didn stop the game or take out a full page ad in any newspaper, but another NFL record fell Sunday. He established a new favourite target in Decker, who caught four of Manning’s five touchdown passes last week in a battle of the teams with the AFC two best records. Manning threw for 403 yards last week on the road against the Chiefs.
Another note to the seasick prone: Just because you go green around the gills on a tiny motorboat in choppy waters does not mean you’ll suffer from mal de mer on a cruise ship. The bigger the ship, the less you feel the motion of the ocean (think about the difference in turbulence between a tiny prop plane and a 747), and modern ships are built with stabilizers to minimize rocking. Choose your itinerary well   the Mediterranean is a lot rougher after October than it is in the summer; Alaska’s Inside Passage is quite calm though the open sea up north gets rougher in September; and the Caribbean can get choppy during hurricane season (June 1   November 30, officially) if a storm is present.<a href=”https://www.cheapoakleysunglassesstore.com/” target=”_blank”>https://www.cheapoakleysunglassesstore.com</a>
CAs, breathe easy for now, because nothing final has emerged from the portals of the ICAI, where the dress code is still under formulation’, more like a bitter medicine. “It will include Indian national dress, besides suggesting full hand sleeves shirt, trousers and shoes for gents; saree, salwar kameez or pant and shirt for lady members,” assures the prez. “Subject to conducive climatic conditions, wearing of suit or blazer with tie shall also be recommended,” he promises..

At the time of writing the government had announced that bupropion and NRT (the latter following consultation only) would be available on NHS reimbursable prescriptions. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence was also being asked to advise GPs on the most appropriate and cost effective prescribing regimes for NRT and bupropion. In this document we assume that both NRT and bupropion will be available on the NHS and have made comments in the text where appropriate to support this assumption..
The US prepares to ‘incapacitate’ Kim: USS Carl Vinson. ‘Help. He’s eating her’: Horrific 999 call by halfway. And nobody did. So I don’t know why he’s there. But he’s very friendly”My friend saw him first one night. Becerra is the current chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, making him the highest ranking Latino in the House. Elected to Congress in 1992, he previously served in the state Assembly and was the California deputy attorney general. Trade representative, but he turned it down, saying he would have more influence in Congress.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I feel like I was pitching on the road quite a bit here. I came in to a lot of boos. Didn stop the game or take out a full page ad in any newspaper, but another NFL record fell Sunday. He established a new favourite target in Decker, who caught four of Manning’s five touchdown passes last week in a battle of the teams with the AFC two best records. Manning threw for 403 yards last week on the road against the Chiefs.
Another note to the seasick prone: Just because you go green around the gills on a tiny motorboat in choppy waters does not mean you’ll suffer from mal de mer on a cruise ship. The bigger the ship, the less you feel the motion of the ocean (think about the difference in turbulence between a tiny prop plane and a 747), and modern ships are built with stabilizers to minimize rocking. Choose your itinerary well   the Mediterranean is a lot rougher after October than it is in the summer; Alaska’s Inside Passage is quite calm though the open sea up north gets rougher in September; and the Caribbean can get choppy during hurricane season (June 1   November 30, officially) if a storm is present.
CAs, breathe easy for now, because nothing final has emerged from the portals of the ICAI, where the dress code is still under formulation’, more like a bitter medicine. “It will include Indian national dress, besides suggesting full hand sleeves shirt, trousers and shoes for gents; saree, salwar kameez or pant and shirt for lady members,” assures the prez. “Subject to conducive climatic conditions, wearing of suit or blazer with tie shall also be recommended,” he promises..

Fire officials said there were no evidence of sprinklers

There were numerous violations against the building, and there were no permits issued for people to live in the building, officials said on Saturday. Fire officials said there were no evidence of sprinklers. The victims were believed to be young people in their 20s, Kelly said.<a href=”https://www.cheapfakeoakleysell.com/” target=”_blank”>fake oakleys</a>
Soccer uniforms consist of shorts and a polo type jersey, while basketball uniforms consist of shorts and a tank top jersey. Soccer players typically wear cleats, while basketball players wear sneakers. Soccer is typically played outdoors, with an indoor arena version also available.
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“They should want to get Connor McDavid, the fans here in Buffalo,” McKee said. “But obviously in order to have a chance at drafting Connor, they’re probably going to have to have a bad year again. And as a fan, as a player, that’s not necessarily what you want, so it’s kind of a double edged sword.”.
“See all those icicles on the back there and everything?” Still no dice. “Boy, this is a, this is a losing battle here on trying to de ice those things. It [gives] you a false feeling of security, that’s all that does.”After one last failed attempt at politely telling his superior that the plane was unsafe to fly, they took off.
“I think it just goes to show the commitment level from the staff at NSIHL and the support from the parents in that league,” said Canadian co coach Thomas Woods in an email to the North Shore News. Woods himself is an NSIHL alum and elite player. Last season he helped Canada’s senior national team win gold at the inline world championships.
If you have ever listened to shortwave radio you know about HF and how a signal can bounce all around the world depending on time of day and solar conditions. When the sun is at it’s peak the usable frequencies can sometimes reach into the VHF bands and cause them to bounce as well. This is accomplished by the solar activity ionizing our atmosphere causing it to act like a big mirror to radio signals..
“The President is the father of two daughters. And like any American, he believes that domestic violence is contemptible and unacceptable in a civilized society,” the statement said. “Hitting a woman is not something a real man does, and that’s true whether or not an act of violence happens in the public eye, or, far too often, behind closed doors.
This valley is then termed as a ‘hanging valley’. The Black Hills). They are formed due to activities of glaciers and water currents having an elevation of about 1500 ft. In one scenario, A P2 is lower than B but its P1 is higher. Some people will be willing to pay more dollars to reward A lower environmental impact, but most won In the other scenario, A P2 is still lower than B but its P1 is about the same. There no cost for rewarding A lower environmental impact.

There were numerous violations against the building, and there were no permits issued for people to live in the building, officials said on Saturday. Fire officials said there were no evidence of sprinklers. The victims were believed to be young people in their 20s, Kelly said.
Soccer uniforms consist of shorts and a polo type jersey, while basketball uniforms consist of shorts and a tank top jersey. Soccer players typically wear cleats, while basketball players wear sneakers. Soccer is typically played outdoors, with an indoor arena version also available.
“They should want to get Connor McDavid, the fans here in Buffalo,” McKee said. “But obviously in order to have a chance at drafting Connor, they’re probably going to have to have a bad year again. And as a fan, as a player, that’s not necessarily what you want, so it’s kind of a double edged sword.”.
“See all those icicles on the back there and everything?” Still no dice. “Boy, this is a, this is a losing battle here on trying to de ice those things. It [gives] you a false feeling of security, that’s all that does.”After one last failed attempt at politely telling his superior that the plane was unsafe to fly, they took off.
“I think it just goes to show the commitment level from the staff at NSIHL and the support from the parents in that league,” said Canadian co coach Thomas Woods in an email to the North Shore News. Woods himself is an NSIHL alum and elite player. Last season he helped Canada’s senior national team win gold at the inline world championships.
If you have ever listened to shortwave radio you know about HF and how a signal can bounce all around the world depending on time of day and solar conditions. When the sun is at it’s peak the usable frequencies can sometimes reach into the VHF bands and cause them to bounce as well. This is accomplished by the solar activity ionizing our atmosphere causing it to act like a big mirror to radio signals..
“The President is the father of two daughters. And like any American, he believes that domestic violence is contemptible and unacceptable in a civilized society,” the statement said. “Hitting a woman is not something a real man does, and that’s true whether or not an act of violence happens in the public eye, or, far too often, behind closed doors.
This valley is then termed as a ‘hanging valley’. The Black Hills). They are formed due to activities of glaciers and water currents having an elevation of about 1500 ft. In one scenario, A P2 is lower than B but its P1 is higher. Some people will be willing to pay more dollars to reward A lower environmental impact, but most won In the other scenario, A P2 is still lower than B but its P1 is about the same. There no cost for rewarding A lower environmental impact.

But their collective inexperience

They suggested using a design cut out of Con Tact paper. Firmly adhere to the t shirt, especially at the edges, and smooth out all wrinkles. Spray the paint onto the fabric all around the cutout. It is narratively fitting for Mr. Trump, himself the only man ever elected president without any prior experience in government of the military, to surround himself with such a band of outsiders. But their collective inexperience, at times, has sometimes been a hindrance.<a href=”http://www.cheapoakleysell.com/” target=”_blank”>oakley outlet</a>
If those strands of grey are giving you jitters just forget it and worry for something better. Hair colors are available in abundance in the fashion stores today that not only cover your grey hair but also enhance your beauty. By use of hair color your gray hair disappears giving you a younger and smarter look.
It was a woman, Special Agent Barry (Janeane Garofalo). She claimed that a notebook was missing which held half a design of one of Tesla unknown inventions. Nikki Meeker was the last one to have seen it. “I was put in difficulty by Astana on Pian del Falco and decided to pace myself once I got dropped. I was aware that I could come back on the descent and went full gas there. After rejoining the pack and finding out that Amador got away, I wanted to stay at the front and sacrifice myself for the team and ride for Bob.”.
In normal conditions, a safe minimum anchor to scope ratio is 4 to 1 (chain length to depth). (In heavy weather 6 to 1 or more). Depth is the depth of water at high tide, plus the height from water line to the bow roller. Discoloration along the wound edge suggested that the laceration was made while Otzi’s blood still flowed, not while the body was being extracted. Close up x rays of the hand show two bone lesionsone under the cut on this hand and one on the right wrist. These bone lesions are consistent with injuries one may suffer while fending off an attacker’s blade.<a href=”http://www.cheapoakleysell.com/” target=”_blank”>http://www.cheapoakleysell.com</a>
But you don’t have to spend a fortune on these if you don’t want to, as even a basic boot is going to do a great job of preventing an injury to your child’s foot, as well as aid him in gripping the bike. The more expensive boots are more comfortable though, and they do last longer too. If you don’t mind spending the extra money for a top of the line boot, then, go for it.
Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Officials said on Tuesday, depriving Defense Secretary Jim Mattis of his choice for his top policy adviser.

They suggested using a design cut out of Con Tact paper. Firmly adhere to the t shirt, especially at the edges, and smooth out all wrinkles. Spray the paint onto the fabric all around the cutout. It is narratively fitting for Mr. Trump, himself the only man ever elected president without any prior experience in government of the military, to surround himself with such a band of outsiders. But their collective inexperience, at times, has sometimes been a hindrance.
If those strands of grey are giving you jitters just forget it and worry for something better. Hair colors are available in abundance in the fashion stores today that not only cover your grey hair but also enhance your beauty. By use of hair color your gray hair disappears giving you a younger and smarter look.
It was a woman, Special Agent Barry (Janeane Garofalo). She claimed that a notebook was missing which held half a design of one of Tesla unknown inventions. Nikki Meeker was the last one to have seen it. “I was put in difficulty by Astana on Pian del Falco and decided to pace myself once I got dropped. I was aware that I could come back on the descent and went full gas there. After rejoining the pack and finding out that Amador got away, I wanted to stay at the front and sacrifice myself for the team and ride for Bob.”.
In normal conditions, a safe minimum anchor to scope ratio is 4 to 1 (chain length to depth). (In heavy weather 6 to 1 or more). Depth is the depth of water at high tide, plus the height from water line to the bow roller. Discoloration along the wound edge suggested that the laceration was made while Otzi’s blood still flowed, not while the body was being extracted. Close up x rays of the hand show two bone lesionsone under the cut on this hand and one on the right wrist. These bone lesions are consistent with injuries one may suffer while fending off an attacker’s blade.
But you don’t have to spend a fortune on these if you don’t want to, as even a basic boot is going to do a great job of preventing an injury to your child’s foot, as well as aid him in gripping the bike. The more expensive boots are more comfortable though, and they do last longer too. If you don’t mind spending the extra money for a top of the line boot, then, go for it.
Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Officials said on Tuesday, depriving Defense Secretary Jim Mattis of his choice for his top policy adviser.

If those strands of grey are giving you jitters

They suggested using a design cut out of Con Tact paper. Firmly adhere to the t shirt, especially at the edges, and smooth out all wrinkles. Spray the paint onto the fabric all around the cutout. It is narratively fitting for Mr. Trump, himself the only man ever elected president without any prior experience in government of the military, to surround himself with such a band of outsiders. But their collective inexperience, at times, has sometimes been a hindrance.<a href=”http://www.fakeoakleysaler.com/” target=”_blank”>oakley outlet</a>
If those strands of grey are giving you jitters just forget it and worry for something better. Hair colors are available in abundance in the fashion stores today that not only cover your grey hair but also enhance your beauty. By use of hair color your gray hair disappears giving you a younger and smarter look.
It was a woman, Special Agent Barry (Janeane Garofalo). She claimed that a notebook was missing which held half a design of one of Tesla unknown inventions. Nikki Meeker was the last one to have seen it. “I was put in difficulty by Astana on Pian del Falco and decided to pace myself once I got dropped. I was aware that I could come back on the descent and went full gas there. After rejoining the pack and finding out that Amador got away, I wanted to stay at the front and sacrifice myself for the team and ride for Bob.”.
In normal conditions, a safe minimum anchor to scope ratio is 4 to 1 (chain length to depth). (In heavy weather 6 to 1 or more). Depth is the depth of water at high tide, plus the height from water line to the bow roller. Discoloration along the wound edge suggested that the laceration was made while Otzi’s blood still flowed, not while the body was being extracted. Close up x rays of the hand show two bone lesionsone under the cut on this hand and one on the right wrist. These bone lesions are consistent with injuries one may suffer while fending off an attacker’s blade.<a href=”http://www.fakeoakleysaler.com/” target=”_blank”>http://www.fakeoakleysaler.com</a>
But you don’t have to spend a fortune on these if you don’t want to, as even a basic boot is going to do a great job of preventing an injury to your child’s foot, as well as aid him in gripping the bike. The more expensive boots are more comfortable though, and they do last longer too. If you don’t mind spending the extra money for a top of the line boot, then, go for it.
Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Officials said on Tuesday, depriving Defense Secretary Jim Mattis of his choice for his top policy adviser.

They suggested using a design cut out of Con Tact paper. Firmly adhere to the t shirt, especially at the edges, and smooth out all wrinkles. Spray the paint onto the fabric all around the cutout. It is narratively fitting for Mr. Trump, himself the only man ever elected president without any prior experience in government of the military, to surround himself with such a band of outsiders. But their collective inexperience, at times, has sometimes been a hindrance.
If those strands of grey are giving you jitters just forget it and worry for something better. Hair colors are available in abundance in the fashion stores today that not only cover your grey hair but also enhance your beauty. By use of hair color your gray hair disappears giving you a younger and smarter look.
It was a woman, Special Agent Barry (Janeane Garofalo). She claimed that a notebook was missing which held half a design of one of Tesla unknown inventions. Nikki Meeker was the last one to have seen it. “I was put in difficulty by Astana on Pian del Falco and decided to pace myself once I got dropped. I was aware that I could come back on the descent and went full gas there. After rejoining the pack and finding out that Amador got away, I wanted to stay at the front and sacrifice myself for the team and ride for Bob.”.
In normal conditions, a safe minimum anchor to scope ratio is 4 to 1 (chain length to depth). (In heavy weather 6 to 1 or more). Depth is the depth of water at high tide, plus the height from water line to the bow roller. Discoloration along the wound edge suggested that the laceration was made while Otzi’s blood still flowed, not while the body was being extracted. Close up x rays of the hand show two bone lesionsone under the cut on this hand and one on the right wrist. These bone lesions are consistent with injuries one may suffer while fending off an attacker’s blade.
But you don’t have to spend a fortune on these if you don’t want to, as even a basic boot is going to do a great job of preventing an injury to your child’s foot, as well as aid him in gripping the bike. The more expensive boots are more comfortable though, and they do last longer too. If you don’t mind spending the extra money for a top of the line boot, then, go for it.
Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Vietnam is a hot market for rhino horn, believed to have medicinal properties and is in high demand among the communist nation’s growing middle class. Officials said on Tuesday, depriving Defense Secretary Jim Mattis of his choice for his top policy adviser.

La noia

Arnau Busom i Vidal_4t B_E. a. segona ensenyança d’Encamp

Es va despertar de cop, es va notar freda i humida. La noia no hi veia amb claredat i tenia el cos entumit. Va esperar un instant i va començar a veure tot el que tenia al voltant. Era en un pis petit i fosc, dins del lavabo. Un cop va acabar de recuperar la visió, i gràcies a una finestra petita situada a la part superior de la paret d’enfront seu, va veure que era en una banyera. No ho havia notat abans ja que la banyera estava plena d’aigua freda, gel i sang. Sobre la pica va veure un telèfon i al mirall estava escrit amb sang: “Truca al 112”. La noia es va intentar aixecar i en aquell moment va notar un fort dolor a l’esquena.


Edu Llinàs Trullols_4t B_E. a. segona ensenyança d’Encamp

Penso i actuo, caic i m’aixeco, la cago i rectifico, tinc dies bons i dies dolents. Sóc diferent de tothom; alguns somien això, jo visc per això, vosaltres ho feu per diversió, jo perquè desconnecto. Jo ho faig perquè plasmo el que sento en un simple moment en el qual la gravetat és zero. Flexiono, inspiro, deixo el cervell en blanc… i planxo, expiro i crido: “Aquesta vegada sí que m’ha sortit!!!!” Sensacions així només pocs les han sentit, aquella sensació d’arribar a terra i sentir que no has caigut, que no t’has fet mal, és el que marca la diferència. La diferència entre tu i jo és que puc dir: “Jo sí que sé el que és esquiar”.

Sense imaginació

Daniel García Gonçalves_2n BA_Institut Espanyol d’Andorra

Sembla mentida que un noi de la meva edat, després d’arribar de l’institut es trobi amb el problema de no saber com començar un relat per un periòdic. Segurament la meva afició a aprendre coses científiques i numèriques m’havia matat la imaginació. Per això vaig encendre l’ordinador, vaig accedir al meu usuari i vaig obrir l’editor de textos tot decidit a començar a escriure el meu problema, a pesar que a ningú l’importaria, però suposava que em podria animar a escriure una magnífica història. Ara estic acabant-lo ràpidament per no passar-me de caràcters i per tal d’estudiar per a l’examen de mates, de física i de química de demà.

De cara la paret

Manuel López_2n BA_Institut Espanyol d’Andorra

Tot just quan acaba d’estendre tota la roba, que el nen que és just al seu davant la fa ensopegar per fer-li un ensurt, ella cau cap al buit des d’un cinquè pis. Mentre cau, veu com passa tota la seva vida per davant, s’adona que ha viscut per treballar, per donar un sentit a la seva existència s’ha casat amb un home que no estima gens ni mica, el seu fill és un maleducat i un sapastre, i ha passat la vida entre les quatre parets que l’envoltaven dia rere dia… quan és a punt d’estavellar-se contra el terra diu amb resignació, “gràcies”.

El tren de mitjanit


Una mirada a l’obscuritat. Una lleugera llum a la llunyania, un fanal. Una noia amb els cabells de foc camina sola enmig del camí. La força d’aquest món solitari li oprimeix el pit i no la deixa respirar. Està voltada d’ombres que la ignoren. Cadascuna segueix el seu camí sense preocupar-se de res. Sola. Va néixer sola i morirà sola. Camina sense mirar enrere. No sap on es dirigeix. En un estat d’hipnosi, arriba a l’estació on agafa el tren de mitjanit que la durà en algun lloc, no sap on, però no li importa. A l’altra punta de la ciutat, un noi trist. Absent. Perdut pels car­rers, arriba a l’estació, on troba el tren de mitjanit.



No estimo res, no estimo ningú, ningú no em fa feliç. Els meus amics m’ignoren. Els meus pares pensen que no serveixo per a res. Al final jo també pensaré que viure no serveix per a res. La vida és com un joc: pots guanyar, pots empatar o pots perdre i jo no suporto perdre, així que no vull jugar més. Els meus amics ja no surten amb mi, no em truquen i m’eviten. La meva família ja no es preocupa per mi com ho feia abans i pensen que estic trastornat. M’enfilo al terrat de casa meva i repasso la història de la meva vida. Res no val la pena, em dic a mi mateix. Sento com l’aire em xoca fort contra la cara. Adéu.

Capaç o incapaç?


Després de 20 anys, la Marta i el Jordi s’adonen que no poden estar separats. Tot havia començat com un joc quan tenien 5 anys i el premi era una capsa sense valor econòmic però sí sentimental. Consistia a passar proves imposades per l’altre “Capaç o incapaç?” Una vegada superada, li tocava a l’altre imposar la prova i així successivament. Després de 20 anys i d’haver perdut moltes coses, la Marta imposà l’última prova. “Capaç o incapaç de quedar-te sempre amb mi?” “Capaç”, respon en Jordi. I decideixen morir, abraçats, amb la capsa entre les mans i coberts per una gran capa de ciment mentre tots dos diuen per última vegada “per sempre”.

El destí


Un dia et pares a pensar i t’adones que el temps passa. Arriba un moment que has de decidir com vols que la teva vida segueixi. Penses en tot el que tens al teu voltant. Sents que estàs perduda, no trobes el camí per trobar el teu propi futur. Els uns pensen que cada persona té el seu destí marcat. N’hi ha d’altres que es demanen per què són en aquest món. Serà que estem aquí per néixer, créixer i morir. El cert és que el teu destí, l’has de construir tu mateix. Vols ser feliç, però com tot a la vida, aquesta felicitat l’has de cercar. La nostra missió és trobar la manera que el nostre pas per aquest món valgui la pena.

La princesa del poble


Com he arribat aquí? Tota la meva infància dient-me que estudiés, que sense treballar no s’aconsegueix res i aquí he acabat, i l’únic que he fet per arribar tan lluny és casar-me amb un torero i abstenir-me de tota classe d’elegància i de tot contacte amb la cultura. Quina ironia! Ara sóc la persona més popular del país, la princesa del poble. Quant temps durarà això? Fins quan seré la mimada del programa, de la cadena, del país? Hauria de començar a pensar a fer-me un pla de jubilació? Bé, les operacions estètiques m’han dotat d’un rostre atemporal que puc anar actualitzant. Òndia, ja tornem de publicitat!

Un dia qualsevol


De sobte començà a cridar i em va treure del llit com si volgués endur-se’m l’ànima. El seu to no era agradable, però gairebé sempre era igual, excepte en contades ocasions en les quals decidia no cridar. Aquell matí em sentia amb les forces suficients per a contestar-lo així que vaig plantar-li cara. Allà, davant seu, portant encara el pijama, vaig començar a maleir-lo però ell no s’immutà; continuà cridant, quasi ofegant-se, i semblava que ho feia amb més força que mai. De cop i volta, vaig posar-li la mà a sobre i callà, callà per tot el dia. Havia apagat el despertador, però calia donar-se pressa: ja era dilluns.


Carla da Cunha_2n B LV3_Lycée Comte de Foix

Vàrem estar dues hores fent l’entrevista, era un dia qualsevol, en una ciutat qualsevol i amb un candidat qualsevol. Vàrem parlar de les múltiples qualitats, però també dels nombrosos inconvenients que suposava aquella feina. I fins i tot, va explicar-me el gran canvi que comportaria aquesta ocupació en la seva vida. Però no hi havia manera, no em feia el pes. No em va semblar que fos ell qui pogués exercir de manera convenient la seva feina, complint les seves funcions en un càrrec tan important en aquella oficina. Finalment, vaig arribar a la gran conclusió: “No el veig gaire capacitat perquè en un futur pugui ser el meu cap.”


Adrià Maldonado_2n B LV3_Lycée Comte de Foix

Concentració, m’he de preparar la bossa per tenir-ho tot a punt per marxar demà. Comencem pel cap: el casc, el protector dental. Ara pel cos: les proteccions dels braços, la protecció de cames i peus, el dobok, la coquilla i el cinturó. Deixo la bossa davant de la porta per no descuidar-me-la. Vaig a dormir d’hora. No em puc adormir, els nervis em consumeixen, no m’adormo fins tard! Quan la meva mare crida “desperta’t, que faràs tard”, m’aixeco del llit, em vesteixo i marxo corrent per la porta sense esmorzar. Quedaven quinze minuts per al combat de la meva vida. Entro al vestidor, i m’adono que m’he descuidat la motxilla.