
La relació va començar a Internet. Quan es van tenir al davant, es van mirar i sense dir res es van abraçar. Les coses anaven molt bé però, un dia, ella no va anar al primer partit de rugbi d’en Gorka. Ell es va enfadar, i a la nit, va sortir de festa per celebrar la victòria. La Xènia el va anar a buscar, però ell una mica “content”, va començar a discutir. Ella es va posar a plorar i va creuar sense mirar. Un cotxe la va envestir. De sobte la va veure enmig de la car­retera. La Xènia li va dir que només li volia ensenyar les fotos que havia fet durant el partit, que era una sorpresa. Ell es va quedar immòbil i ella tancà els ulls.



Pel meu costat passa gent, tothom en la mateixa direcció, amb els ulls tapats, avancen sense saber on van, es deixen portar pels fils que els tiren i ni tan sols se n’adonen… publicitat, moda, diners i consum; perduts com les ovelles; ni pensen ni raonen, es limiten a fer; són ombres que es mouen al meu voltant. Treballen sense saber per què i així, passen els dies, les hores, els minuts; així, passa la vida en una bombolla que mai peta. Ja no hi ha persones al carrer; només conformisme, passivitat. Aposteu per l’anarquia. Desperteu a i per la vida, defenseu-la, gaudiu-la; és una i única. Jo, lluitaré: no veureu mai la meva ombra!



Tot va començar un dia qualsevol, però aquell fet, aquella troballa, va fer que acabés sent especial. Tot fent neteja, a la meva cambra, vaig trobar una capseta plena de pols, en obrir-la, se’m van omplir els ulls de llàgrimes, llàgrimes d’amor per la imatge d’aquella fotografia: intacta, com el primer dia, els mateixos colors, aquell ambient; record intacte que em diu que mai has quedat en l’oblit. Em tenies en braços, les nostres rialles es creuaven, jo a penes era prou adulta per saber què passava, te’n vas anar, em vas deixar, indefensa com jo era en un món ple de perill. Ara et vull dir: que l’amor d’un pare no s’oblida mai!

Els matins

Laura Ribó_Tle SB Lycée comte de foix
Tothom ha experimentat les ganes de llençar el despertador contra la paret quan recorda que té obligacions. Aixecar-se cada matí amb un ensurt, a una hora indecent com són les set del matí, és inhumà! I no parlem de les vegades que el despertador no sona… Et plantes davant el mirall i no et reconeixes (al matí alguns fem molta por). Et fiques a la dutxa, però per alguna raó paranormal l’aigua sempre està freda, i no tens temps d’esperar que s’escalfi. Surts de la dutxa a un pas de l’atac de cor. Un cop vestit, pentinat i mitjanament decent tens dos minuts per esmorzar, tacar-te, canviar-te i sortir corrents perquè fas tard.

Últim any a casa

És estressant saber que d’aquí a menys d’un any estaré fora de casa amb gent nova, llocs nous i amics nous… encara que m’agradaria conservar els que tinc ara. Amb les amigues estem estudiant perquè ens agafin allà on volem, però el dubte sempre ens persegueix a totes; i si no ens agafen? Aquest és el gran dilema. I a més a més, tinc els pares que es queixen que si estudio poc…, que si continuo així no m’agafaran enlloc, que he de ser la millor. Però resulta que potser no vull ser la millor, que també vull tenir vida social, divertir-me una mica! Però a vegades em pregunto si potser poden tenir una mica de raó…



Estava exhausta. Un cop asseguda, contemplava les vistes, llacs i pics dels quals desconeixia el nom. Havia valgut la pena. Donava certa sensació de grandesa estar allà i, a la vegada, transmetia la tranquil·litat suficient per a reflexionar. Moments passats tornaven a la memòria, fent-me reviure experiències irrepetibles. Records tristos que urgien ser aparcats en un racó llunyà i d’altres d’alegres, capaços de dibuixar una rialla quasi imperceptible. Com sempre, vaig triar entre moltes pedres una que em cridés l’atenció. Un cop desada, em vaig disposar a desfer el camí muntanya avall, conscient que duia amb mi un bocí de llibertat.

Res dura per sempre

Era de nit, l’última nit. Estàvem tots allà, al nostre paradís a la Pineda. Teníem ganes de sortir. Vam decidir anar a la platja i ens vam banyar. L’aigua era freda, però tot ens era igual, era l’últim cop que estaríem junts. Sabia que els trobaria a faltar ja que ells formen part de la meva vida, però tot havia d’acabar un dia o un altre; així que vam voler gaudir de la nit. Havíem passats tants bons moments en aquella platja, que ningú volia deixar-la. Estàvem parlant del nostre futur, de quedar algun dia per reviure aquells temps… I de cop va aparèixer ell, les coses van començar a canviar. Res va tornar a ser com abans.

El virus


A dins només en queden quatre o cinc, els últims des que va començar l’extermini. Ja han transcorregut algunes setmanes i l’’esgotament físic està fent efecte en nosaltres. Abans que el virus s’estengués entre la població, érem persones comunes, però un dia tot va canviar, la violència i la mort van envair els carrers. Ara, hem aconseguit unir-nos i aviat ells seran exterminats, construirem un nou futur que substituirà  aquest caos. Pot ser que alguns dels nostres caiguin en l’última contesa i s’escoltin trets precisos destrossant cranis, udols esquinçadors quan la carn d’algun desprevingut sigui esqueixada. El final ja és a prop.

Riure de l’amor?


Perdoni… Sí, vostè. Li puc fer una pregunta? Per què se’n riu? No veu que és genial. És llibertat. Potser, a vostè, li sorprèn; però no se n’adona de la felicitat d’aquesta persona, una felicitat plena, satisfactòria, victoriosa. Els seus prejudicis són un producte més d’aquesta societat, ignorant, inconscient i emprenyadora. Hauria de pensar el patiment que infligeix a aquesta persona. He vist tants de plors provocats per burles i menyspreus! Encara no sap de què li parlo? És homosexual. No se’n rigui, ell sí que sap estimar…

La desconeguda


Feia una setmana que no veia a la meva xicota. Molt impacient i nerviós, l’esperava on havíem quedat. Només recordo que una noia que duia un vestit d’època i uns esclaves grogues com el seu cabell es va atansar. Com que la meva xicota no tenia el cabell clar i la manera de vestir era diferent no m’hi vaig fixar. Cada cop estava més a prop, quan de cop em diu: -Hola, carinyo meu, com estàs? -Hola! Molt bé però perquè em dius carinyo si no ens coneixem de res! Es va enfadar i va marxar…No sabia per què s’havia cabrejat. La vaig mirar de darrere i em vaig adonar que s’havia tenyit els cabells. Fa una setmana que no em respon al teléfon.

Sense motius

Diana Larrull_2nde B LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX

Tot era negre, no hi havia cap soroll. De sobte vaig sentir els plors d’un nen i no sabia d’on venien, però sentia que l’havia d’ajudar. Criadava « mama » amb una veu peculiar, coneguda, era el Vadim! Però no podia ser ell, jo era  a la universitat i ell era a Andorra. Vaig començar a anar a les palpentes per per ajudar-lo, m’estava tornant boja, no trobava la sortida, no el trobava a ell ! Vaig notar una mà que em tocava l’esquena i, de sobte, no vaig sentir res més.. era a terra i no podia aixecar-me, estava immòbil. Més tard sentia el pare que cridava el meu nom, vaig obrir els ulls, tot s’havia acabat com si fos un malson.



Sento un soroll i de cop em desperto. M’espanto i salto del llit. Surto corrents al passadís. No hi havia res. Miro el rellotge, eren les 4:35 de la matinada. Torno al llit amb la intenció de dormir-me. Quan estic a punt de tancar els ulls… PUM! Torno a sentir el mateix soroll. Ho ignoro i continuo intentant dormir. Penso en una cançó per distreure’m i de cop la sento reproduïda en el meu ipod. M’aixeco i l’apago. Qui l’havia encès? Quin era aquell soroll? Massa preguntes sense resposta. Cada cop em sentia més angoixada, el nus a la gola no em deixa respirar i de sobte penso: “Potser no havíem d’haver jugat a la taula ouija”.

Presa difícil


Després de passar-me tota la tarda rondant pel bosc, per fi, d’ entre les fulles rogenques, una taca fosca es va moure lentament. Havia d’aprofitar aquella ocasió. No podia tornar a casa amb les mans buides… Sense pensar-m’ho dos cops, vaig agafar el rifle amb les dues mans i a través de l’ ullera vaig localitzar ràpidament un petit cabirol bru. El pols em tremolava i m’era complicat aconseguir un tir net. Vaig inspirar profundament i vaig pitjar el gallet; la bala va sortir a pressió i va tocar la presa, que va caure lleugerament a terra.
Vaig deixar anar un gran sospir acompanyat d’una gran rialla. Havia valgut la pena.

Like zero tolerance

A normal process if you go out in the woods around here, you find these bogs that, some of you can walk across now, some of just have a few frogs in and stuff, and they eventually fill up with this organic material and become a peat bog, Baldwin said. That what the natural course of events would be for Lake Bancroft. You know, when I think of somebody, say, approximately 100 years ago was able to catch walleye in that lake, and now minnows can even live through the winter, generally, because there not enough oxygen in there.

1. Sometimes, a Forced Career Change Works Out ( Santa Clause Calvin unexpectedly must take on Santa responsibilities, after the jolly old man falls from Calvin cheap nfl jerseys roof and vanishes, leaving his signature red suit behind, and a card saying whoever finds it must take over as Santa Claus. Calvin is in denial about the drastic change, which was forced upon him when he found the suit.

I’m hesitant to put another food related pit stop here BUT I cheap nfl jerseys can’t refrain myself; this is, after all, an ice cream shop we’re talking about here. And Cowhaus is not just any old ice cream shop: their flavors and waffle cones will blow your mind. Recommendations are included, but not limited to: Salted Caramel, Irish Car Bomb, Wabi Sabi and Blackberry Lime Cilantro Sorbet.

President Barack Obama’s choice for the No. 2 official at the Homeland Security Department nearly had his appointment derailed in 2013 amid allegations that he provided special treatment to a company run by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s brother and others. Alejandro Mayorkas was accused of intervening in three visa cases involving prominent Democrats, titanium spork including Clinton’s brother..

A Santa top recommendation this year is a new book cheap jerseys sale special for muscle car enthusiasts titled the American Muscle Car, by Diego Rosenberg. Santa says this book is one of the best he seen for car enthusiasts and explains how Detroit built and marketed these powerful machines in the 1960 1970 eras. It filled with color photos, era advertisements, how the muscle cars morphed into full fledged factory race cars, and much more.

Able to rebuild roads that we never could have done before. We have police protection through the sheriff department which we never had before. The schools are doing iPads and free sports, and there just a lot of good things going on in the area, a lot of local governments are doing great things.

Handheld stabilization systems use a system of counterweights that balance out the mass of the camera and allow it to Contrary to popular belief, it not the gyroscope found on some models that smooths out the shot, it actually the weights. The gyro would be useless without them. The small mass of dSLRs allows for the same counterweight principle to be used with any lightweight tripod, without adding weights, when you are in a pinch.

come only in recent

Yakima grew up as a railroad town; its attention to its namesake river has come only in recent decades. Look around, and you’ll find bridges are a source of civic pride in many cities around the country. If Prosser (population 5,796) can do it, then Yakima (population 93,257) could at least try..

DENISON, TX A Texoma police department is rallying around one of cheap jerseys their own. Lieutenant Jeff Camp with the Denison Police department has been wholesale nfl jerseys battling melanoma for three years now.Over the past 2 years Camp has driven to Houston for treatment and it’s not cheap that’s why the Department is putting on a police fundraiser to help with some of those costs.”You know Lt. Camp is one of those people who never complains, he always comes to work and he’s always in cheap jerseys a good mood and always has a positive attitude,” said Detective Tim Murrin.

Remember this story from last month? Three fellas decked themselves out in fake police gear (like SWAT vests and baseball caps that said “POLICE”). One gentleman, whose image made the rounds in the paper and on the news, wore a less inspired ensemble: khaki pants, khaki shirt, camo fishing hat. And let’s not forget the gun..

That addition to their turkey day meal provides a taste of the homeland for their American born children and grandchildren. And in the melting pot of Southern California, where as many as 200 languages are spoken, the Thanksgiving table can be as diverse as the population. In homes across the Southland, today’s menu includes Salvadorean staples like pupusas, Italian inspired comfort food like manzo alla zucca or Filipino favorites like pancit and bibingka.

In the past five years, the Border Force, the policing command under Britain Home Office charged with immigration and customs controls, has seized thousands of consignments at Heathrow alone, valued at around 100 million ($125 million), said Peter Herron, senior officer for specialist operations. A counterfeiter can counterfeit, they will. Trade in fake products is worth around 2.5 per cent of total global trade, or about $18 trillion, according to Piotr Stryszowski, an economist with the Paris based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Capsaicin is the chemical in chili (red) peppers that makes them spicy. It boosts bodyfat loss by increasing metabolic rate and fat burning through its ability to raise levels of norepin ephrine. It also works to significantly decrease hunger and thus your overall caloric intake..

The lettering and logos were screenprinted on the prepared boxes, replicating the originals with uncanny accuracy. The first group of boxes was screenprinted in The Factory by Warhol and his principal assistant of the ’60s, Gerard Malanga,6 the mode of discount jerseys production aping the assembly line techniques then thought to be the sole paradigm for industrial production. Seldom was the brute act of repetition as evident as in the box project.7.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently warned against a “new colonialism in Africa,” in which it is “easy to come in, take out natural resources, pay off leaders and leave.” It was a veiled jab at China, according to the Guardian, a UK newspaper. But Ms. Clinton’s point echoed across the continent, and it appears that African leaders are now treading cautiously..

Just to the right of the living area is the laundry room and another full bathroom, which has access to the courtyard where you can rinse off after a day at the beach. The second level features a large, comfortable living area and two Queen bedrooms, each with a full private bathroom. There is also a bunk room, which includes twin over twin built in bunk beds.

“I would also cheap jerseys advise new parents to do some research, go into the baby stores and chat to the sales assistants, get all your information and then decide what you need. Don’t buy everything before the baby is born wait and see what you need first. There are lots of gadgets on the market now which look cute and fun but you don’t really need them.”.

Even if you have good income, you’re probably cutting back on borrowing,” says longtime banking analyst Bert Ely. The drop in borrowing could slow the economy’s recovery. That’s why it’s critical for the government to continue stimulating lending, especially in the crucial housing market, says David Olson, president of Access Mortgage Research Consulting.

The outraged replies to the notion of McDouble supremacy if it’s not the cheapest, most nutritious and most bountiful food in human history, it has to be pretty close comes from the usual coalition of class snobs, locavore foodies and militant anti corporate types. I say usual because these people are forever proclaiming their support for the poor and for higher minimum wages that would supposedly benefit McDonald’s workers. But they’re completely heartless when it comes to the other side of the equation: cost..

Been in business in some form or another cheap jerseys since they were manufacturing gas in the Portland area back before the turn of the 20th century, said Public Advocate Richard Davies. Of their system, they discovered when they were doing some [recent] cheap china jerseys improvements on it, some of the pipes they were using were hollowed out logs. January, the PUC approved newcomer Summit Natural Gas of Maine request for a pipeline in the Kennebec Valley, wholesae nfl jerseys where Maine Natural Gas also is laying pipe to expand service..

This situation is a microcosm of how quickly incorrect and false information can spread on social media, as well as how easily cheap jerseys public opinion can be manipulated as a result. When emotions run high and personal connections are involved, things get understandably complicated and reason tends to go out the window. The challenge, then, especially when we encounter divisive, damaging and potentially libelous information on social media, is to set aside the emotion in search of the truth and gain a critical understanding of the whole situation before we click “share.”.


I’m aware other airports charge they claim it is to help towards improving facilities at the airport etc. You would have thought they would be squeezing enough additional cash out of travellers for the excessive charges they levy on food refreshments to help with that! It is just another rip off tax on the traveller motorist, as if there weren’t enough already!I’m aware other airports charge they claim it is to help towards improving facilities at the airport etc. You would have thought they would be squeezing enough additional cash out of travellers for the excessive charges they levy on food refreshments to help with that! It is just another rip off tax on the traveller motorist, as if there weren’t enough already!.

My cousin and I cheap china jerseys stayed up all night singing along with those songs; we were hooked on the infectious energy of the band’s sound and their hook happy lyrics. I still remember thinking that Rick Nielsen was one heck of a guitar cheap nfl jerseys player as it seemed like he was everywhere on the fret board at the same time. In my mind’s eye I could see him jumping all over a stage in front of thousands of screaming Japanese schoolgirls in the Budokan Arena..

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Natural gas exports may have exceeded imports for the first time in 60 years this November, the latest wholesale nfl jerseys in a long term trend that could signal a burgeoning opportunity for Wyoming after a period of low prices and overstock. Exported 7.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day on average in November, and imported 7 billion cubic feet per day, according to S Global Platts, an energy information provider and trade publisher. Natural gas cheap nfl jerseys affects Wyoming indirectly, as it lifts the price of natural gas nationwide, benefiting local producers.

Some predict that negative rates if passed on to ordinary bank customers will cause businesses and the public to just stop using traditional savings. “I think the concern is that eventually people will just not put their money in the bank,” Goldstein says. “They will just store it.

“Sometimes it’s 90 degrees,” Mash said.The ceiling wholesale jerseys duct system will include a fan designed to draw the heat out of the blower room and circulate it in the adjacent handling room.That project is expected to cost nearly $8,000, Mash said.Mash said once the changes are made, the lower oil bill will pay for the projects within three years. Projects expected to cost more than $10,000 must be advertised for bid. The grounds should be ready in mid September, he said.


A sign reading “Market” sits atop the recently opened storefront. What used to hold a bakery is now filled with assorted local goods, from raw honey and jam to meats and fish. A refrigerator houses the Soup Chic foods made fresh daily as well as locally sourced milk, cheese, eggs and yogurt..

Rockwell Steakhouse and Lounge, 27 Broadway. Housed in the historic Oliver House, its upscale roots as a premiere hotel are still visible in its clubby atmosphere. Yet, there is no snobbery here. Of the latter issue, it’s not enough to simply hope and pray such abuses will correct themselves on the good faith of insurance companies and health care providers. Such strategies leave everyday families at the mercy of a health care system sorely in need of state and federal reform. And if legislators want to help cure health care supposedly cheap jerseys part of the thrust behind the Trump phenomenon how about removing the state’s regulatory burden hamstringing advanced practice nurses, who can do many of the same duties as overworked physicians?.

They’re great kids. But we need to be good the whole 40 minutes. Right now we’re not and to be a good team, we need to fix that. Gibbs, a former diplomat and entrepreneur from New Zealand, says the Quadski is the first land vehicle for sale that can go more than 10 mph in water. A lightweight, fiberglass hull and front wheels that rise mechanically when the vehicle hits the water are among the tricks the Quadski uses.Mr. Gibbs, wholesale nfl jerseys who has made everything from bras to television sets over a long career in New Zealand and Britain, launched Gibbs Sports Amphibians 16 years ago after building his own amphibious car and wondering whether he cheap china jerseys could make it on a larger scale.

All credit to Margaret Willmott and her fellow Cllrs for defending the value of wildlife sites. The Natural Health Service that Lime Kiln Way provides cannot be underestimated. This is a lesson for all Parish Councils that public greenspace is not necessarily out of bounds from development cheap china jerseys pressure.

The Tigers also have a retro beer stand. For $3 you can get a Schlitz, a Pabst Blue Ribbon, a Ballantine, a Schaefer is the/one beer to have/when you having more than one. Remember that jingle? If so, welcome to my generation so I had a Schlitz.

This quick, counter service bakery breakfast in Kingfield is home to one of the most crazy indulgent dishes wholesale nhl jerseys we have ever had the pleasure of starting our day with: the Southern fried biscuit. It’s a buttery biscuit sandwich with a hunk of super solid de boned fried chicken, chewy crisp strips of bacon, and a side of peppery sausage gravy for dipping. Though it’s hard to pass up the Southern fried (get a side of deep fried mashed potato balls if you’re feeling ravenous), we’ve also been known to get the tangy sourdough flapjacks or just load up on expertly made pastries like the rhubarb turnover, raspberry scream scone, or chocolate hazelnut bear claw.


So you want to finish your basement, but the drywall bid knocked you senseless. Here’s an idea that is much less expensive. Spray paint it black (or white). Like to be a broader resource than just a contributor to a campaign, said Adam Nickas, spokesman for the Tennessee Republican Party, which is behind the GOP major PAC, called Tennessee Legislative Campaign Committee. Just makes more sense for us to offer services like direct mail and various types of media. Special interest Republican Party is bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists and the well connected,” said Brandon Puttbrese, spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party..

Now ubiquitous, box wines continue to be wholesale nfl jerseys dogged by negative connotations. Some have tried to come up with display holders made of wood or metal, that offer upscale housing for a box wine. More recently, bag in a box makers have tried to wholesale mlb jerseys add some style to their packaging.

Police are investigating a shooting in Pauls Valley Tuesday night. In the 600 cheap nfl jerseys block of East Avenue.PAULS VALLEY, OK. Police are investigating a shooting in Pauls Valley Tuesday night. Basic email clients cannot tell which email format each recipient is able to receive HTML or text. If you send HTML from your basic email client, some of your recipients will get gibberish that they can’t even read. If you just send text, you are missing out on the lift in response rates you can get from HTML.

But in the intervening eight years, Charlottesville real estate has seen a dramatic run up. Spurzem says the City’s 2003 overhaul of its zoning ordinance which removed many parking and height restrictions compounded the climb in the value of the parking lot. “And that’s only one of the assets,” Spurzem points out..

“I think it’s important to have a competitively paid chief at the top,” said Efrain Aceves, board president of the Whittier City School wholesale nba jerseys District. The district raised the base salary of Superintendent Carmella Franco in December to about $178,000 to give her parity with surrounding districts. Previously, her base salary was about $152,000.

“I know. I follow this plan myself, and it was hard to give up bread. I built a wood fired brick oven years ago in my backyard because I loved to bake bread. Whether you’re trying to find a place to get a haircut, buy hooks to hang pictures in your residence hall, purchase a pound of locally sourced coffee, or figure out the closest place to fill a prescription, you are in the right place. Along Main and College Streets are a five and dime store, a market, cheap nfl jerseys clothing stores, and bookstores where you can buy essentials. All are within walking distance of campus.

And while we now all have

And while we now all have a quantity so waterresilient that we could sit on it and propel from Borneo to the Philippines, it doesnt stopover ourselves, and then our precious paperwork, from receiving drenched through. This is why a neat cylinder of A5 volume ziplock (or like read cheaper) bags are incostly. A passport, a few dollars, and some well folded photocopied papers steal into an A5 sealable bag entirely.

Also, Squaw Valley hails the return of World Cup alpine ski racing to its fabled Red Dog run (home of the 1960 Olympics) for the first time in five decades. A women’s giant slalom event will be mounted on March http://www.cheap-jerseys-sale.com/ 10, with a women’s slalom taking place the following day. Club and Grandstand tickets to the races were sold out by early October, with only VIP chits ($450 for two days) remaining.

I’m happy to eat at places like Wholesale Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping Maple Block or Barrel and Ashes, where the barbecue is really good, and you can wash it down with craft beer instead of strawberry pop. But the best barbecue in town still comes out of the battered steel pits down at the original Bludso’s in Compton: deeply smoked sausages, lovely chickens and brisket that sometimes seems to flow from plate to mouth more as kind of a beef flavored plasma than it does as actual meat. Kevin Bludso is also behind a fancy barbecue restaurant up on North La Brea Avenue (also one in Melbourne, Australia, of all places), but Compton is the place to be when the urge for barbecue strikes..

The German debt to the United States is vast since the federal republic was crafted from ruin through enlightened American postwar involvement. Germans never forget this. But that debt is not material, something Trump’s lazy, ahistoric little mind cannot grasp.

“I had been shopping for a Harry Potter mug for myself for weeks, but they were all overpriced and many didn’t have the exact designs I liked. So, I bought a cheap $1 ceramic mug and freehanded the design I wanted. I surprised myself with how well they turned out,” Ms.

Minister of Transportation Kuong Danhier Gatluak told The Associated Press that 36 people are confirmed dead. He said two passengers not three as another official had reported were pulled alive from the wreckage. One was an infant and the other was an adult who later died, he said, adding that the search for more bodies was ongoing..

Mine, Dick’s and Jim’s were identical “Mom” wrapped in a heart scroll. I guess we were 16 at the time. We laid down five bucks and walked out proud as peacocks.. Install bee hotels around the yard by drilling holes in wood blocks and creating reed or bamboo bundles. They provide instant habitat and can be built on the cheap. “Another thing you can do is plant woody plants (elderberries, raspberries, sumac) with branches that have soft insides,” Vaughan said.