A great legacy

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There are areas to have picnics, grills, ramadas, and even sports fields and courts. The Sahuaro Ranch Park group picnic area is able to be reserved and contains nine covered ramadas, each with nine tables that seat eight people each. The total capacity for all the ramadas is 648 people so there is plenty of room for your entire party.

Range. It is called “profiteering” and it is illegal as hell. Supreme Court? Three weeks ago, they passed a law that bars you and I from being able to address the Court on our own behalves. The Gulf Shores High School marching band and the Orange Beach pirate ship were the next two of 50 total entries in the parade. Parade goers lined the sides of Perdido Beach Boulevard screaming for throwsthe payoff after a full wholesale jerseys cheap day of festivities. Many of them showed up early in the morning just to make sure they got their cherished spot.”Since I was probably eight or nine we’ve been in the same spot,” one woman said.”We’ve been doing it probably better than 15 years right here,” said a parade goer as he manned the barbeque grill.Behind every gathering, there’s usually a story.

OPEC’s decision not to act as a market stabilizer is beginning impact global energy development, as companies in countries with more expensive production costs have reportedly begun curtailing investments and employment. The global price of Brent crude rallied this past week and closed above the $60 per barrel benchmark for the first time in 2015. This represents an increase of more than 30 percent since mid January and is reflective of the global oil market’s overall volatility..

However, while science has not yet answered all of our questions,it has determined one fact very clearly all electromagnetic radiationimpacts living beings. As I will discuss, sciencedemonstrates a wide range of bioeffects linked to EMF exposure. Forinstance, numerous studies have found that EMF damages and causesmutations in DNA the genetic material that defines us as individualsand collectively as a species.

A great legacy here, he says. Lot of people may not know it, but [Eugene] has a strong history of an African American presence. Has invited the JSMA staff to present a three minute preview video of the exhibit at the annual community MLK March hosted by the local NAACP Jan.



Vivim en una societat on diem que som solidaris, que ens preocupem pels progenitors, que volem col·laborar amb ajuts econòmics per als nens que no poden menjar, ni rebre una educació i una sanitat com cal. Ara bé, a l’hora de la veritat no movem ni un dit per canviar la situació. Quan estem ben asseguts al sofà mirant algun documental dels infants que passen gana, tots diem: “Pobrets, jo els ajudaria”, però mentrestant fem un bon àpat, dins d’una casa amb totes les comoditats, amb aire condicionat si és estiu i amb calefacció si és hivern… D’això, senyores i senyors, se’n diu ser hipòcrites!

Cròniques d’una guerra


L’equip està desanimat. No hi ha cap esperança. El correu aeri fa setmanes que no ve. No tenim notícies de casa. El temps transcorre lentament. Els meus pensaments em transporten a la infantesa quan les guerres ens semblaven un joc divertit. La realitat? Tristesa, desolació, morts… Ha plogut durant mesos; avui ha parat, però el cel continua gris i fosc. Hem netejat el campament, s’estava inundant. Tota la tarda hem estat traient aigua de les tendes de campanya. Caldrà idear algun sistema perquè no hàgim de viure damunt el fang. La dificultat del ter­reny ens ha posat les coses difícils. Ha estat un altre dia dur.