Ara sí

Ara sí, t’he trobat.
Ara sí, després d’haver-te enyorat ja estàs al meu costat.
Ara sí, que et veig.
Ara sí, et puc abraçar.
Ara sí, no et perdré mai.
Ara sí, dormiré al teu costat.
Ara sí, t’he tornat a perdre, quina mala sort!
Ara sí, torno a buscar-te.
Ara sí, et segueixo la pista.
Ara sí, ja no et trobo tant a faltar.
Ara sí, em sembla que ja hem acabat.
Ara sí, me’n recordo, de tu.
Ara sí, t’he tornat a perdre, quina mala sort, on estàs piloteta?
Ara sí, t’enyoro un altre cop.
Ara sí, tornem a començar…


Encara me’n recordo, farà cosa d’un any i mig del meu primer amor. Me’n recordo, d’aquells moments especials. Me’n recordo, d’aquell dia que la vaig veure per primer cop amb aquella cara tan minyona i amb aquella simpatia única. Des d’aquell dia ja vaig pensar que era única. Era per a mi una persona molt especial. Me’n recordo, d’aquelles tardes de ple estiu i de ple hivern al parc, úniques i inoblidables. Però encara me’n recordo, d’aquell dia en què la vaig errar i per culpa meva em va deixar i després d’un any i mig encara me’n penedeixo, del que vaig fer i de tot el que la vaig fer patir. Ara mai més la tornaré a tenir.

Tornar al passat

Jessica Antunes_3r A secundària ESCOLA ANDORRANA ORDINO

La vida està dividida en petites etapes: neixes, vas creixent, comences a ser un adolescent, més tard t’adones que et fas adult i finalment envelleixes. Vista així la vida sembla curta, i no dic que no ho sigui. Però sempre hi ha aquells conflictes que fan sentir que la vida és més llarga. Molta gent diu que la millor etapa és quan ets adolescent, perquè és quan comences a experimentar les noves sensacions i comences a veure la realitat. Per això moltes persones somnien a tornar al passat i tornar a viure el que ja han viscut, ja que creuen que no ho van aprofitar bé. Però ara et pregunto, creus que has aprofitat bé la teva vida?


Ana Estévez_3r A secundària ESCOLA ANDORRANA ORDINO

Quan dius a algú la paraula “amor”, pensa: en coses ideals. La realitat? No és així. Hi ha relacions que al principi són tot floretes. Perquè aquestes “floretes” sense que te n’adonis es converteixen en espines que se’t claven al cor. Hi ha parelles que no poden estar juntes pel que sigui i això els causa molt de dolor. Hi ha també, la noia que s’enamora i viu una típica història d’amor amb la seva parella. Crec que hi ha poca gent que sàpiga què és l’amor real. Aquell com provar una droga? Que un cop en proves no ho pots deixar? Aquell que deixa el cor fet miques? El que té una passió desenfrenada? No ho sé. No ho he experimentat mai.

Coses del futbol


Tot va passar un dia que vaig anar a veure un Barça-Madrid. Entre les aficions hi ha moltíssimes diferències i molt sovint l’ambient s’escalfa i fora del camp passa allò que no ha de passar. Un dia em vaig trobar involucrat en una d’aquestes baralles. No sé per què tots es van començar a barallar. A mi em van pegar, m’hi havia de tornar, tot va anar malament, van arribar els mossos d’esquadra i se’ns van emportar a tots. Jo que encara no era adult em van dur en una altra sala i van trucar els meus pares. Quan van arribar i en veure en l’estat en què em trobava se’m van emportar a l’hospital i em van castigar un més sense ordinador.

Última nit

És de nit, és fosc. Com sempre, hi ha festa. Surten dos nois d’un bar, beguts. L’un cau, l’altre gairebé. Riuen sense control, tot els fa gràcia. Arriben a un cotxe que ja té algunes ratllades i hi pugen. El que havia caigut s’asseu al lloc del conductor intenta engegar el motor, s’equivoca i ho encén tot tret del motor. Al final, ho aconsegueix. Se’n van carretera amunt. Passen cinc minuts, deu, quinze. Silenci. Passen cinc minuts més, deu més, quinze més. Se sent una sirena que s’apropa més i més. És una ambulància que va carretera amunt.

Si ho diu la iaia…

Maria Zorzano_Terminale ES LYCÉE COMTE DE FOIX
Sovint no fem cas a la gent gran, pensem que són massa vells i que justament per l’edat que tenen no ens poden entendre. Però tot sovint ells tenen més raó que qualsevol. Ells tenen experiència, no perquè hagin estudiat molt, però perquè la seva vida va ser així. Ells han viscut amb les coses més simples del món durant la seva adolescència, a la millor han patit gana alguna vegada de la seva vida, ells han treballat molt abans que nosaltres. I no se’n queixen, són feliços quan ens expliquen els seus records. Ells són el nostre patrimoni, és gràcies a ells que ara estem aquí. I nosaltres no els escoltem! Per què tanta indiferència?


Recordo el primer dia que et vaig veure, vaig sentir que només series per a mi. Recordo com caminaves i com em miraves. Recordo el teu somriure i el teu cor bategar. Recordo la teva mà tocant-me els cabells i la teva veu dient-me t’estimo. Recordo la teva boca tocant la meva. Recordo aquella tarda en què ens vam escapar i em vaig sentir feliç al teu costat. Recordo riure amb tu a l’herba. Recordo el teu perfum que va quedar a la meva roba. Recordo aquell dia a la platja i la teva pell bronzejada. Recordo la teva mà en dir-me adéu i veure’t marxar després. Records i més records, és només això el que em queda de tu.

Sóc aquí!


Hi havia una vegada un conte molt petit, molt petit, que estava trist. Només els seus germans més grans tenien èxit. Els escriptors més il·lustres no l’ajudaven, els petits no el coneixien i els grans no li trobaven sentit. Fins que un dia algú es va fixar en ell i va tenir una idea. Va cridar un munt de joves que van escriure contes amics. Van treballar de valent per a poder-ho aconseguir. Alguns van escriure amics ferotges i terrorífics, altres amics valents i coratjosos i uns quants amics menuts i bonics. Tots plegats es van reunir en un llibre estrany on no hi havia cap dels seus germans més grans. I ara sóc aquí!

Llibertat sota somni


No me’n recordo, però sí que em ve al cap l’intent desesperat d’aixecar-me d’aquell somni. Quan per fi em vaig poder llevar i vaig ser conscient d’estar despert, vaig recordar que volia ser lliure. I amb el fracàs de l’intent de despertar, vaig adonar-me que la millor manera era somniar i no abandonar aquella obsessió de ser lliure sense cap mena de restriccions, d’ordres ni d’obligacions, simplement ser lliure.

El príncep vertader

La Blancaneus estava a casa. Algú trucà a la porta, ella obrí. Una velleta li donà una poma. Blancaneus sabia que estava enverinada i la rebutjà. Sí que ho estava, però només feia efecte quan algú la rebutjava. Van arribar els nans amb el príncep. No podien creure que hagués tornat a caure en el mateix error. El príncep anà al castell i va voler lluitar per salvar la seva estimada. A la porta del castell hi havia un cartell: “La Blancaneus despertarà quan un príncep que sigui el seu vertader amor li faci un petó.” Ell va apropar-se a la casa on era ella. Ella no hi era. Va comprendre que el seu vertader amor era un altre príncep.


És de nit, el cel està estrellat, els arbres parlen i ballen amb el vent. Se senten passos, un grup d’animals de pelatge indescriptiblement bell desfila serè, noble, orgullós. L’aigua del riu  corre riallera entre els matolls. Se senten més sons, però aquest cop no són animals, és una veu, una veu femenina, una veu harmoniosa, dolça, tranquil·la, que interpreta una melodia de bellesa sobrenatural. Es troba en una clariana on hi ha un llac en calma. Tot està inundat de la llum de la lluna plena. Plomes blanques cauen del cel. Dins del llac hi ha una roca i sobre aquesta no hi ha una dona, és un àngel qui canta.

El cel és el meu límit

Néixer, créixer i morir; d’això és del que tracta la vida. Però la pots viure de diferents maneres. La gent pensa que hi ha moltes formes de viure-la, però realment n’hi ha dues. Pots decidir gaudir-la, tenir objectius, raons per viure o simplement observar-la; deixar passar el temps i no viure el present, no deixar fugir el passat i no voler que arribi el futur. Qui la gaudeix és realment viu, aprofita cada segon per fer el que calgui i per arribar on vol, per tenir un gran futur; en canvi, qui es limita a observar-la, mor amb la mateixa sensació que quan va néixer. “El futur pertany als qui creuen en la bellesa dels somnis”.

Per què et queixes?

Si el mal té remei, per què et queixes? Si no en té, per què et queixes? I remarco: per què et queixes? Si té remei, millor, cuida’i i viu la vida. Si no en té, cuida’t i gaudeix del que, per dir-ho d’alguna manera, et queda. Perquè si et passes la vida queixant-te i queixant-te del que et passa o no et passa, i dient-te a tu mateix: estic fet un desastre, acabaràs tenint el que no hauries de tenir i, en definitiva, acabaràs fet un desastre. Però si vius, gaudeixes i et dius a tu mateix: cal disfrutar ara, viuràs el que et queda fent notar la teva presència i moriràs deixant una petjada profunda en els cors d’aquells que t’estimen.

Think just

Quand le lgendaire chanteur a lanc au parterre au terme de La bohme son traditionnel mouchoir blanc qui a t capt par une jeune spectatrice, je me disais qu’on pouvait en confectionner d’autres. Aprs tout, Aznavour a dit il n’y a pas longtemps qu’il voulait chanter jusqu’ 100 ans. On le croit sur parole..

Subsequent page of the Mayor’s schedule shows Rakolta met with Kilpatrick at the Manoogian Mansion. Point: Other contractors tried to, and succeeded, in arranging meetings with the mayor. Raging: Rataj is suggesting that Beeckman trying to confuse the jury with some of his earlier testimony, saying that text messages testified to regarding businessman Gary Torgow of the Sterling Group were taken out of context.

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To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, Phil Liu custom designed this only one in Canada bike using a Sarto frame. The colours are the pre requisite red and white, with a maple leaf motif on the frame. The white and red pedals, from the French company Time, also feature a maple leaf and the fork was designed to look like a hockey stick taped in black.

While I can definitely count myself as a convert to the clipping service concept, I don’t exactly see myself putting in weekly orders. It’s a great resource if you have a master plan, but I could see how it would be possible to get greedy and go over the edge. Definitely proceed with caution, and remember that the cost of that coupon (plus shipping) does factor into your overall bottom line.

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When it considers branching out into other product lines, Alibaba should think more like Amazon than eBay, Hsu suggests. EBay has not strayed much from cheap football jerseys china its auctions business, but Amazon parlayed its online bookselling operations into areas such as video, cloud services and consumer devices. According to Hsu, areas Alibaba could look into are health apps, smart watches and other connected devices.

continuous set of

Some hemp strains reach tree sizes of 20 feet in height; the plant has a continuous set of unbroken fibers going from top to bottom. Wood’s fibers are shorter. For paper processing wood requires sulfuric acid and bleach; four to seven times the amount of harmful chemicals.

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If there’s a way to achieve that investment without raising the gas tax (or creating a broader carbon tax that would have a similar effect), we’d be glad to hear it. But there isn’t any serious alternative on the table. Bridges are considered structurally deficient with one 22 mile stretch of Interstate 95 in Philadelphia reporting 15 such spans with the cost to replace them pegged at $7 billion..

Her new lifestyle earned her a pro card after her first fitness competition. While everything seemed back on track, Jamie took another blow. This time, she was diagnosed with Spina Bifida Occulta (a condition affecting the spinal column) at the age of 28.

At some point, my mom didn’t want these cookbooks anymore, so I took several of the ones that were around in her kitchen (probably another sibling took the others). I picked up the four above since they had been among the missing from my parents’ set. But I still am lacking nine out of the 20 that were published.

In this case

If we wait to be made perfect before we do what we understand he wants us to do in this world, we will wait a long time. The beauty is that God uses imperfect men and women to do his work. If he didn’t, his work would never get done. Flights weren’t cheap, either. Fifty nine House and Senate staff flew commercial during the Copenhagen rush. They paid government rates $5 10,000 each totaling $408,064.

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ACA is working well for those buying insurance on the exchanges who are low income, Laszewski said. States that have expanded Medicaid, those people at least have a Medicaid plan. But that what makes the Affordable Care Act so problematic. There is nothing fancy about the menu or presentation. Sims sells barbecue. Solid, messy, nofrills barbecue.

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BEND, Ore. It’s that time of year again, for the sneezes and sniffles. Charles Bend now has a respiratory viral PCR panel a $40,000 machine that breaks down virus and bacteria to the molecular level and identifies up to 23 unique strains 20 viruses and three bacteria.”It’s no longer a guessing game.

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He had none. He could offer only platitudes and then, reminiscent of George W. Bush, he mis quoted a common expression.. It all comes back to the fact that Staten Island was left out of the city subway system. They started digging that subway tunnel in St. George a hundred years ago and then abandoned it.

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I loved that store since I was a kid. This is cheap jerseys a big cheap nfl jerseys loss.” Agreed, Sanddunes. And it likely their customers would have paid a little extra if given the chance.. National chains like Mimi Caf and McDonald gain loyal patrons for offering cheap, tasty meals. More precisely, customers like the caloric bang for the buck, convenience and fat content. Some even argue that the levels of fat, sodium and additives makes this food highly addictive.

Wood has been a journalist since 1970 and has worked as a staff correspondent for Time Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Newhouse News Service, The Baltimore Sun, where he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and Politics Daily. He has reported on conflict from Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Central America. His 10 part series for the Huffington Post on the severely wounded of Iraq and Afghanistan won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for national reporting.

But then, bad news offers itself up easily. A bomb makes a big noise and kills people, while good news like, say, a rise in life expectancy, expresses itself by an increase of elderly drivers forgetting their left turn signals have been on for the last 15 blocks. Try putting that on the front page.


Geez, $430 on an outfit and $300 for a month’s beauty regime??? Yeah right. No way would I ever spend that much money on my looks and I don’t think that it’s typical. I think the best investment is to get over being so uptight about how you look and feel comfortable with going out without make up or with a minimal amount.

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Slat widths are generally 2″, 2 1/2″, and sometimes 3″. The blind slat’s surface can be smooth or embossed with a wood grain. Color selection is limited most often to whites but there are a few wood tone colors available. To cut down on drying time, you could spend $20 on wholesale nfl jerseys dryer balls to help keep wholesale nhl jerseys the laundry moving cheap china jerseys in the dryer. Or for half the cost, you could make your own with chemical free wool yarn. The Live Simply website has instructions on how to make felted dryer balls.

That’s the annual federal income tax bill for some 25,000 American families. Each trip Trump takes to his Mar a Lago club in Florida, where he has gone most weekends since his inauguration, is estimated to cost taxpayers in excess of $3 million. And an unknown chunk of the taxpayers’ money subsidizes Trump businesses in the form of rent, restaurant bills and publicity.

He bid $1,741 for the job. Turns out the “customer” was actually an undercover officer with the state Contractor’s License Board. Almost as soon as Williams wrote “estimate” on his bid, he was cuffed and placed under arrest. Access, A pool near the house gives an altogether different pool experience than one far away. Nipping in for a drink is easy, or to get the sunblock you forgot. If the pool is easily accessible by cheap nba jerseys children, you will want to consider a fence.

I’ve seen factories where the windows were sealed and the industrial fumes were strangulating. The workers, mostly women, sewing clothes for H and Nautica and all the other stores in the West make a few dollars a day, working 12 hour days. A despairing friend who says she struggles to pay the price of Canadian made clothes, or shop only at the Maritime second hand chain Frenchy’s, asked me this week if she had to “go naked” in order not to feel guilty..

People, wildlife and fauna, need green spaces and not pocket hankerchief sized spaces! It encourages people to exercise, gives essential habitat to our wildlife, is essential for overall wellbeing mentally and physically, for animals for people and fauna. It is the ‘jewel in our crown’. Once lost, it’s gone forever.


Brands could, therefore, take a positive tone and adopt a more hopeful course, rather than add to the messages of crisis and meltdown. However, brands also need to put their marketing dollars against tangible action. Bank of America, for instance, could look at sponsoring shelter programmes for those who defaulted on their mortgages, instead of running a multi dollar corporate ad campaign.

Take, for example, the Amish man on the far side of the cheap nfl jerseys room. Though I completely respect the Amish, I told the man that I am against puppy mills. Puppy mills are breeding grounds for wholesale jerseys thousands of dogs that live without love and nurture; they are locked in cages and reproduce all their lives.

One final item to quickly mention is the upcoming Origin Omega. This was previously supposed to be a Steam Machine when Valve first launched the platform, but delays to the Steam Machine platform (ostensibly due to controller modifications) have delayed that long enough that many companies are choosing to ship the PCs with Windows. That the situation with the Omega, a system with support for liquid cooling and wholesale jerseys up to wholesale mlb jerseys two GTX 980 or Titan Black GeForce cards in SLI.

Many in state colleges offer online or blended degree options. Often this leads to the cheapest tuition rate for the student because they are working with local colleges and qualify for both federal and state tuition assistance.Traditional Colleges Also Offer Online OptionsThe State University of New York, in fact, offers a cheap tuition rate for an associate online business degree to distance learning students in any state. With credits starting at just $120.00 a credit hour to achieve the degree in one of their many community colleges to $207.00 a credit hour to get an associate’s from a main campus of the SUNY schools, it’s definitely one of the cheap tuition rates for an associate online business degree.Thomas Edison Online College, a division of Thomas Edison State College, offers an associate’s degree in business administration for approximately $11,000 for the sixty credit hour degree.

When you get a bite, wait until you have tension on the line and then pull back firmly to set the hook. If the fish is pulling line away, let it run, and then crank when it stops. With big fish, this will prevent the line from breaking. Student Body President Eric McDaniel said these changes are needed because for example Student Health cheap china jerseys Services has outgrown its budget from five years ago. Maintenance costs for the Memorial Union are rising. Campus Attractions wants to still offer free admission to campus events for students.